what the hell are you waiting for? your ass is against the wall–you need to wake the shit up and make it happen–if you get to noon and you haven’t done squat–you got a bloody problem–put your finger on the keyboard and push it out–make the calls–check off your daily/weekly list–one by one–progress will occur–bit by bit–step by step–from the 30k ft view–change will be seen. you need to send out those resumes, you need to send out those emails to your contacts, you need to make calls to people you know–you need to follow up–never quit, never give up –it is not in your nature to fail–so why the hell are you doing it now–get some cash flowing some way, some how–consult, contract, give plasma–whatever it takes to get the bread–accomplish at least 1 thing on your list each day–then the ball will start rolling down the hill–as mentioned–if you ain’t sick, then you ain’t got any reason not to enjoy the struggle–without it you would be dead
Category: Work
no need for failure
laid-off, unemployed, kicked in the gut, thrown down –WTF, right? no, not right –this is not failure–this is a wake up call. you were done this way because it was time for a change. you did that job and now it is time for new challenges. wake up and smile because you just got a new life–have a beer, talk a run, have fun with the kids–be grateful that you were shaken from that deep sleep we call daily routine. this will get you to think more, this will get to to do more, this will make you stop and smell the roses. do you see it!! it is not failure, it is success–it is life–it is change that is needed to grow and push harder. it will make that long off day on the beach of retirement–a day to smile, because you were thrown down and you lived a better life because of it….no need for failure
transition table
in case you haven’t noticed–i am going through a transition. i got laid off in this lovely recession after a great 5 year run at an internet company –so i am unemployed and going through a transition. i got this table i have been working on -sanding it, staining it, sanding again, etc.–i started working on it when i was in employment bliss–completely ignorant of the axe coming to chop me, and at that time the table had little significance. but now, after the chop and the shock and the transition period covering my life now–oh–the table is now a symbol of this transition –i nurture it, i put on multiple coats, i give it much more attention than when i was in employment bliss. this table will help me get through the transition and the transition will help me create a better table –thus helping to create a better life in regards to my next move…..so go find your transition table –whether it be an actual table or a an exercise program or a blog..
feeling it
oh, i am starting to feel it. and it is life. life is good–even though i am unemployed, even though my bills are skyrocketing, even though i am getting middle-aged –life is still good. why? because it is bloody life and we only got one of them. you can still drink, you can still eat, you can still laugh, you can still sleep (maybe), you can still shit –it all feels good and i am feeling it –are you?
riding the bike
yeah–went for a ride –getting back on the bike after being knocked down on my ass. but i can get back on, even in this new world –i can find a new place, i can adapt to change, i can make things happen, i can get it done. we are not supposed to glide through life unaffected–we are supposed to be knocked down, we are supposed to get back on the bike–we are supposed to feel the pain–we are supposed to be shocked –what a painful process -but it is a necessity to growing and achieving what you want in life. i am riding the bike, i am learning to be hungry again…i am…
stripped naked
that is what happens when you get laid off –when you have 3 kids and a wife that depend on you –when you cry your eyes out, knowing that the climb to the top will now be harder–that you must start over–that you are one of the unemployed pack–that you must fight to stay alive–to help your family have the best life. you are only a # and you are treated as such –you are completely stripped naked in front of your friends and in front of your neighbors –they now know all your secrets–you are not keeping up with the joneses –you have fallen behind…such is life–such is a naked life….
the pressure
oh the pressure…it is a bitch and it hits every time you have a major decision to make. which path will you take? is it the right one? there is no way to know. you must weigh the options and the problems that could arise from each choice that you make. how can anyone know which way to go? the answer is simple. you don’t know and you never will until you make the decision. so, you must take the facts you got and make that decision…oh the pressure–have a drink and relax a few extra minutes before you put your ass on the line –if it ain’t health related, you’ll live