the past

why do we always think about the past.  why do we always think about the people we used to know.  why do we question our actions of the past.  why can’t we still be friends with people in our past.  these are questions that go through everyone’s mind at one time or another.  we think about what we did in the past.  we think about the people we knew very well in the past.  but those people are not there anymore.  we think about the people we hurt in the past.  we think about the people we helped in the past.  we wonder why we can’t be there with them anymore.  but we know why.  it is because that is the way life goes.  it doesn’t stop.  when you are in that moment with that person in the past – which was the present – you don’t think about where you will be in the future or who you will be with in the future or what you will be doing in the future.  you only think about the present in a very quick mindset – everything just goes and you just live – and you move on from people, places and things.  but when you get older, you think about the past more and you have settled into a life that does not change much anymore – so you can see the future with clearer eyes – and you know what might happen in the future – as you get closer to the end of life – you know more and you know what to expect.  but that past is always there, waiting for you to look at it and question it and wonder why or what could have been – but you are glad that you moved on because your present gut told you to – and your gut today still guides you so you can’t wish for the past because you told yourself to move forward – but you can still think about the past.

life & survival

in nature, everything is natural.  what i mean is you don’t have to create an environment that doesn’t test your survival – it already exists, because it is nature – and that is what nature does – it makes you survive.  that is also true in the developed world – the world that has developed outside of nature -the cities, the civilizations, the places where humans live without living in the natural world.  they say it is a dog eat dog world – and that is true.  every day we must wake up and go out into this developed world – and we must survive just like the animals do in the natural world.  we must face challenges and we must get through those challenges alive – just like animals do in nature – animals must always be on the lookout for trouble, for challenges that will test their very survival.  we must also do this in the human world.  and this is a good thing – to be tested and challenged every day – to keep us fighting to survive and thrive.  this is what keeps us alive physically, mentally and spiritually.  the world we have created must continue to challenge us so that we stay alive – in every way.  that is why i have always said that we need the struggle of life, that we need the challenge of life.  even though we curse life sometimes and the troubles we face – it is actually the essence of life – the essence that keeps us going.  for most of us – we don’t have to worry about this essence ever going away – we will continue to be challenged – especially in the financial area.  but if we do reach complete financial freedom – we must then make ourselves be challenged – we must find another struggle to fight – otherwise life will fade away and you will no longer be “alive”.  the animals in the natural world don’t have to worry about this – their survival is at the base level – live or die.  because our world is more complicated, we have to make sure we are challenged to stay “alive”.

destiny & instinct

we are all on a path of destiny – there is no doubt about that.  we will be guided along this path as we go through life.  one thing that will help influence this process is your instinct.  as you walk down your path of destiny, your instinct or gut will give you pointers along the way.  some will never listen to these pointers and their path of destiny could be a bumpy road.  but if you do learn to listen to your instinct, your path of destiny can be a better process.  your path of destiny will bring you close to failure or death many times through life – and it is your instinct that keeps you just out of reach of extreme failure or death – if you take heed and listen to your instinct.  there are times where your instinct will give you hints on the same subject over and over – to get your attention to make the right choice – to make your path of destiny easier.  look for repeated signals – and if you see them, then you know that this is the right choice to make in an opportunity that is presented.  yes, we are all essentially walking blind on our path – and the way ahead will never be in clear focus.  but if you trust that you are on a path of destiny and you start to listen to your instinct a little more, then your daily worry can start to fade.  once you reach this understanding about what you are doing in life and why you are doing these things – because you are on a path of destiny and your instinct is there to guide you on this path – then life becomes more enjoyable and your path of destiny becomes more obvious.


trust is a funny thing.  you start off life trusting everything and everyone – trust all around.  then as time goes on, you start to drop people off the trust list and eventually end up not trusting many people – maybe family and a few friends.  and when you are at work in a new job, you start with a zero trust level – but as time goes on in the job, they begin to trust you and you begin to trust them.  yet the reality at work is not really about trust in the end – if you can’t produce, no matter how much they trust you, you get the ax anyway.  but trust is important to keep your job until the ax day comes – because if they don’t trust you, then you get the ax much earlier.  everyone has their guard up when they meet you because everyone has been burned in the past – so we all live with walls around us to protect us from getting hurt or falling into trouble – it is a natural reaction to life.  what we must try to do is give more people the benefit of the doubt – but only do it in small increments – set up small strategic tests to determine if the trust level can go up – then you will reach the highest level of trust without any issues – but most will screw you in the end anyway 🙂

do you feel it

walk outside and look into the sky – look at where you are at that place at that time – do you feel it?  do you feel like you belong right there in that spot, in that city, in that town, in that state, in that country, in that place?  do you feel like this is where you should be and where you feel the most comfortable – not the job, but the place where you live.  does it feel like the place where you will take permanent root – where you grow old, where you are happy inside.  you have been to many places, you have met many people, you have experienced joy and pain – love and hardship – stress and relief – you have lived here and there – but now you look into that sky and you say “yes” this is where i belong.  you feel the heat or cold on your body and it reminds you of where you came from and what you are deep in your soul.  you know that this is where you belong, that wandering around looking for something is not the answer because you have found where you belong.  time is short and we can’t take it with us – so just soak it in and feel where you belong – your senses and your memories will work together to guide you to choose the right piece of the puzzle for this part of life.

daily focus

what you see every day in front of you is life.  the big picture is good for dreams and keeping on track – but what you look at every day in the morning, at home, in the car, at work, in the evening – these are the things that make up your life.  and if you just focus on what is in front of you – which are the smallest details of life in this world – then you can ultimately make change and feel fulfilled.  the big picture and the big change and the big accomplishments in your life all tie into the things you consistently focus on in everyday life.  so if you keep that daily focus on even the smallest things – you will feel fulfilled overall.  too many people keep focusing on the big picture and spend most of their time dreaming of what can be and what will be.  this can satisfy you for a few brief moments, but this focus cannot get you to the fulfillment of your dreams.  you must embrace the daily focus and know that when you do embrace the daily focus, the big picture will evolve behind the scenes – like a puzzle – when you look at a puzzle up close, you cannot see what the end result will be – but you do know that each piece you put into the puzzle will get you one step closer to completing that puzzle.  so embrace each piece of the puzzle and enjoy each piece of the puzzle – for that is life itself that you are embracing.

don’t stop

don’t stop doing what you are doing.  there will be many times where you want to stop, where you want to say this is enough, where you will be discouraged, where you will not want to be there, where you will not want to deal with people, where you want to move on, where you want to take a break.  but you cannot do any of these things if you want to be happy in the long run.  you have to keep going no matter what, you have to keep pushing no matter what, you have to keep smiling no matter what, you have to keep your thoughts to yourself no matter what, you have to keep your head on straight, you have to keep your sanity intact, you have to smile and push on.  this is the only way to keep the machine moving, the only way to feed the machine, the only way to keep your family on track, the only way to reach your goals – whether you die trying or not – you must not stop…ever – or the sane place in the back of your mind that you go to from time to time – will be gone forever.  keep the sane place alive and don’t stop doing what you are doing.

meeting by chance

does not happen.  there are no such things as meeting someone by chance.  every encounter is not by chance, it is meant to happen, it is part of your path of destiny.  these could be brief encounters at the post office or sought after job interviews.  the point is – you were supposed to be at that place at that moment –and there is a reason for every meeting.  whether you see someone from long ago or you have just met them for the first time –these are not chance happenings.  these are markers along your own individual path – fulfilling your own individual destiny.  these “chance” encounters are sending you a message or a signal that you must interpret –and that you can interpret usually very easily.  you say to yourself –“yes, I know why I ran into that person today – it all makes sense now”.  each meeting gives you another piece of the puzzle – the puzzle of your life.  don’t be surprised when you come across someone – and that meeting leads to good things or bad things – this is what is supposed to happen.  you must take away what you can from each meeting – that is your job.  learn why you had that meeting and become wiser from it.

be content

with your life.  stop thinking about what your life might be in the future.  stop wishing away the present.  look around at all that you have now.  be grateful for what you have now – for who you have now in your life – for the laughs you have now in life – for the moments you have now in life.  you will never get what you want in the future until you are happy with what you have now.  i don’t know why it is so embedded in human nature – to want what others have, to want more that what you have, to dream of a better life – when the life you have now is the “better life”.  in every day that you live now, there are moments of joy and beauty.  when you sit at a table with your family and you talk, smile, laugh – you are experiencing the best things that life has to offer –ever.  it does not get any better than those moments –moments that you will yearn for in your dying hour.  why are there so many cliches about living now, living for the moment, live in the present – it is because they are true.  you just have to realize it.  you have to flip a switch in your mind to stop wishing and wanting –and start living.  because before you know it, your wish will come true – you will be in the future and you will only have regret then, for not stopping in time to flip the switch.


as you get older, life moves faster.  and as life moves faster, more pressures build upon your shoulders.  this will inevitably cause you to feel overwhelmed.  this is natural – it happens to every single person in this world and most people go through their entire lives feeling this way at some level or another.  however, you do not need to feel this way at all.  but it will take a conscious decision in your mind not to feel this way.  you must understand that you have a destiny in this life -we all do.  you must understand that you will fulfill this destiny if you keep moving yourself forward at all times.  don’t give up and just keep moving forward –and you will continue down your path of individual destiny.  and because you know that you have a destiny to fulfill if you stay on your path, then you don’t need to worry about being overwhelmed.  just tell yourself that you need to be calm -that there is no sense in feeling overwhelmed -that you are on a path of destiny -so feeling overwhelmed doesn’t make any difference.  it is pointless to feel overwhelmed when you look at life this way.  you have a destiny and these feelings do not change that destiny.  take a breath when you feel overwhelmed and understand that these feelings have no bearing on your life or your destiny.