the dojo is cool. it is a mix of american flags, ying and yang, U2 music, strobe lights, trophys, pictures of champions, mirrors, mats, cubbies for your shoes. it is a place where you learn shit that you have no idea about. it is a place where you find out more about how to use your body. it is a place where you gain confidence. it is a place where you meet cool people, providing that it is not some a-hole running the shop and fortunately in my case –the guy is cool. thus his dojo has a cool vibe and attracts other cool types –mostly musicians, surfers, carpenters –people that are used to using their hands–unlike me. each time in the dojo, i learn more. it is a fascinating experience to actually learn something new every week –but also to know that a new learning is guaranteed and expected. you also need the dojo master to be an exceptional teacher because if you do not understand what is trying to be taught in the dojo, then you will get lost. yes, there is discipline–but it is not extreme. do not go to a dojo with extreme discipline unless you need it. the dojo is cool –a bit strange, but still cool. try it , you only live once.
Category: Insecurity
society bullshit
it is a crazy thing that can make you crazy if you are crazy enough to allow the craziness to get in –know what i mean? obviously i am crazy enough –only because i become more crazy as life has gone on –is it being jaded more and more or is it a breakdown of the mind by the ongoing bullshit that society continues to put upon us. it is not society’s fault–it is the fault of the people who live in the society –since the beginning of society before there was civilization 10,000 years ago. it is in our dna to think and as we progress, we think more –and this thinking more pushes us to look at the micro and macro societies around us –in the house, on the street, in the town, in the state, in the country–etc (though not much more to etc). to avoid this BS, we need to pull back a bit and look at what really matters –i know it is hard to do and one can never really pull all the way back– but it is the only way to keep the craziness out –comprende? or was this just a bunch of BS too? haha –see you next time –if there is anyone really there
in the night
we wake up and have thoughts of doubt –the night time is the bottom of the day, the bottom of our confidence –it keeps us up an hour here, an hour there –we worry about things and fret about life –what a pain in the ass –close your eyes and wake up –confidence is restored –what were you thinking with all that doubt –unfortunately it never goes away–it is part of the cycle