family business

don’t talk about money or finances all the time – especially at home.  look – you have this business whether you realize it or not – it is called the family business.  it is not the family business definition you know – where a family runs a business to make money in the outside world.  this is the business of running the finances for your family.  you have incoming and outgoing – they go up, they go down.  you have an active budget that needs reviewing and tweaking all the time.  this is your family business.  i am not going to get into the ins and outs of this family business in this post.  i am only going to focus on is when you discuss the family business with your family at home.  for the kids it is good to go over the family business so they have an understanding of responsibility, frugality, etc.  but for the spouse – yes you should discuss the family business on occasion but mostly to make sure bills are getting paid – money is coming in, etc.  you should not talk about the bills, the finances all of the time or everyday.  this will become a burden on the relationship and one that will lead to the ultimate demise of the partnership.  don’t talk about the family business that much – keep it to a minimum – because this will only lead to fights over things that will work on their own as long as you keep working and you keep paying your bills.  stop talking so much!

you have to be bored

what can you do.  you have hit the mid-life phase.  you have family, wife to work for.  you can’t just quit your job.  you have to keep working no matter what – to keep the train going.  you also want to see your family as much as possible.  you don’t want a job that has you traveling all over.  you want to grab these fleeting days/weeks/months/years with your kids before they fly the coop for good.  you have to make that your main focus.  to do this, you must sometimes do jobs that are not as exciting as the ones you had in the past.  the jobs that were in the big city – things were moving fast.  you never watched the clock.  you had less stress in all areas.  kids were very young – stared at them all weekend – they were the entertainment.  now they are growing up – becoming more expensive – you want to see them as often as possible – so you stay in your current job.  this is to pay the bills – to see them – to keep things going – until they go to college.  you have to make sacrifices.  you have to be bored with your job – you have to accept the boredom – you have to accept the monotony of the job.  you have to get that check every 2 weeks.  you have to suck it up and keep going.  you have to do this for the family.  this you must learn.  you can’t just jump from job to job.  you have to be precise in your movements.  you have to be precise in your judgement.  you have to be methodical in your jumping.  you have everything hanging on you.  they are not letting go – they are getting heavier by the year.  you must slog on.  you must be bored.  you have to be bored.  it is a marathon.  be bored, push on – change will come when the time is right or when you wake up one day and say enough is enough.  but do you really have a choice.  yes, but only a calculated choice now – no more missteps – you can’t afford it now.  maybe later.

don’t overanalyze

don’t overanalyze the relationships that you are in – especially your main relationship with your wife, husband, significant other.  if you overanalyze every little thing that is said or every little thing that happens in the relationship – then you will not have that relationship much longer.  so often we wear down the people we love with continuous analyzation – this happens all the time and it leads to many break-ups.  the other person is there because you love them and they love you – for who you are and for who they are.  they are not there for you to analyze them.  yes, you can question things.  yes, you can disagree.  yes, you can dispute things.  but, no, you cannot analyze them over and over.  you cannot analyze everything they say and do.  this is not the way a relationship should be.  stop overanalyzing them right now – or the end will come.  they put up with your continuous analyzation because they love you.  but one day they will take no more and it will be over.  stop yourself from asking too many questions and from overanalyzing everything.  stop yourself.  don’t overanalyze.

you must give in

after time, after you get older – there are some things you must stop fighting about.  you must give in and stop unnecessary fighting with your spouse.  your old self says keep fighting for your point.  your old self keeps pushing you to talk about the budget and talk about what things cost.  stop doing this.  if you need something, buy it.  there is no need to quote the budget as an excuse.  just give in before the fight and buy it.  you need it, buy it.  stop useless fighting.  just get in your car, drive and buy it.  why fight about what you need.  why go down a path of fighting over something you need to buy – something you need for the house or the family.  it has to happen whether you fight about it or not.  just give in and do it.  believe it or not – this is evolving even though it feels like you are being broken down.  you are not giving up – you are giving in to the inevitable – without all the fuss you used to go through.  you have seen the light and it is a shorter path to happiness and less fighting.  realize there is no use in fighting over certain things – just say it sounds good, give in and move on.  this is another level of understanding yourself that you have reached.  congrats, you found the path forward.  give in and grow up.


you must say you are sorry to loved ones very quickly.  do not wait to say you are sorry if you did something wrong.  it will only cause more damage to the situation and could possibly do long term damage to the relationship.  your gut is pushing you to say you are sorry – that is why saying sorry even came into your mind.  you know that you did something wrong – you were mean – you said mean things – you put someone down – you opened your mouth when you should have kept it closed.  you walked out the door and you knew immediately that you were wrong – your gut started to bombard you with thoughts of guilt – you were wrong and you need to say you are sorry immediately – send a note, make a call – just do it.  why wait around for it to fade away.  help you and the situation and say you are sorry.  you have done this so many times – you have made many mistakes.  you need to say you are sorry to your loved one and you need to try and learn not to do this again.  don’t push those buttons every time – let it go – don’t go there – don’t be mean.  now say you are sorry and learn from this.

being a parent

of a teenager can be very challenging.  we have all heard this before and i am giving my 2 cents.  what we find as we engage with teenagers as a parent is pure frustration.  we see them acting as if they don’t care about what is going on or what you have done for them.  you get frustrated and you lash out at them.  you don’t realize what you are saying until later – it happens very fast – as you speak from your emotions.  but you do say mean things to them because you are appalled at their behavior.  when they were young, you scolded them, taught them a lesson and moved on.  now you get no response, they just glare at you – they want to defy you.  but you need to quickly realize that losing your temper is not the way to go – it can only draw deep lines between you and your kid – that could last a long time and cause lifelong discomfort.  yes, you do need to keep reprimanding them to teach them a lesson and keep them on the right track – but you must not say awful, mean things to them.  do it once, learn and then don’t do it again.  keep your calm during these years – show your disappointment, continue to teach – but don’t lose control and say things you will regret.  be the adult.

lower your voice

i need to stop raising my voice to my children.  i need to stop yelling.  i need to make a change once and for all and get a grip on my emotions – and not raise my voice.  if i don’t get a grip and i keep raising my voice – it could have a lasting negative impact on my relationships with my children.  i need to make the change – not them.  i need to be the maturing adult and see what i have to do to make things better – and lowering my voice when speaking to them is one of those changes.  it is difficult to make this change – but you must keep at it until you have mastered the art of lowering your voice.  and if you do raise your voice, you need to apologize for doing so.  99% of your comments to others do not require you to raise your voice.  start practicing lowering your voice – it can change a life.

live near family

this is one of the keys to life.  you must live near some family.  make sacrifices to live near family.  we are on this earth for a short period of time and as you go through life, you quickly realize that it is family that will stick by you through everything.  yes you have friends and they are good to have – they provide another form of balance – but at the end of the day – you need that family – and you need that family nearby.  why nearby?  so you can experience life with them – so that you can have their support through the big things and the little things.  family enhances life, family makes life better, family gives you a reason to keep pushing on.  if all of your family is dead, then you shift this concept to friends.  but if you have some close family members still alive – pack up and move close to them now.  life is about living in the now while people are still alive – you need to live near them and you need to create memories – otherwise what is the point of living if not with your family nearby.  you might not get along with your family – still not an excuse to not live near them.  why- because if you have kids – it is good for them to live near your family – they need to grow up with some family around.  what is the point of living far away from your family – making more money?  not a good enough reason.  you could be laid off or drop dead tomorrow – where did more money get you? nowhere – because you have no family nearby to help you through the hard times.  get a grip and go live near family – otherwise you will regret it.  way back when – you were young and you loved your family.  because you are older now – does not change that one bit.  don’t judge – just love.  start packing.

keeping someone safe

one of the biggest fears in life is keeping your loved ones safe.  it is different than keeping yourself safe.  you do keep yourself safe by taking the necessary precautions, but you do not worry all the time about keeping yourself safe – as you have some control over that worry.  the one area where you have less control is when you want to keep your loved ones safe.  this is a big worry because you have little or no control, depending on the age of the loved one.  if it is your own children, you can do a good job of keeping them safe when they are young, but you still need to make sure they make the right choices when you are not around – cars, strangers, water, etc.  you have control, but obviously not complete control, so there is a hidden worry in your mind.  as your children grow older, you have less control in keeping them safe – so the worry grows and grows.  you can only rely on others keeping them safe when you are not around and you can only rely on your loved ones keeping themselves safe – like we all try to keep ourselves safe.  so the only way to help keep them safe is to teach them how to be safe from a young age.  don’t freak them out with too many scary scenarios that could happen, but help them understand the safe way to go about life.  yes, they will take risks when they are young, like we all do, – and those we can’t prevent entirely, but perhaps we can guide them to be less risky when taking action that could affect their safety – these are bodily harm risks, not the type of risks you need to take to reach your goals.  so teach them carefully and properly – and hope no harm will come – it is the only thing you can do

family memories

all we have is family memories in the early part of our lives.  this is a comfortable time – just you and the family living life together – creating memories together.  but like anything – time goes on and change from this tranquil state happens.  you start to experience life with others outside of your family.  this is a new time period in your life — and one that your family and you have to accept.  it will be hard at first – mostly for your family.  they will have to get used to the idea that you are creating memories without them – your original family.  this is life – and is only the first step you will make – moving slowing away from your family nest to become independent — where one day most of your experiences are not with your original family.  one can only accept this change, knowing that it is part of the natural process – even though it may hurt.  if you are part of the original family – you need to cherish and enjoy the moments when you have them.