what i have discovered in life is that reconnections happen all the time and are a big part of friendships. when you are in your teens and 20s, you make friends so easily –none of life’s complications interfere with your daily mindset. you basicially don’t worry as much about paying bills, etc. –you just have fun. this makes you an open person –meeting people and making friends all the time. you don’t ponder on every word that a person says –you are less paranoid or skeptical. these friendships happen during your most impressionable years and are very strong and long-lasting –you go through life discovering events with each other and this seals the friendship bond for life in many cases. but as we all know –life goes on and you often lose touch with these friends –you basically grow up, get married, move, etc. –you still have a strong bond with these friends, but you lose touch and lose contact. then one day, you see this friend again and all the old vibes come back and you have an easy connection with them. you know it is still there because there is no awkwardness or getting-to-know period –you just go back to where you left off 10, 20, 30 years ago. this is the reconnection happening. the bond is re-established. you now stay in touch and start to do things together again. you see this as meant to be and as destiny. this new/old friendship helps round out current friendships and helps fulfill your friendship needs for life. when a reconnection happens, make the most of it –this is what you are supposed to do in life……..reconnect.
Author: tobycode
the scare
we will all experience the scare at one point in our lives. this is the moment when you think a loved one could be in danger of dying. this falls along the lines of the cancer scare, which almost always is just that — a scare. it is never usually the real thing. your loved one goes through tests and there are days/weeks of worry. you pray each night extra hard for this person, especially if this person is your child. if it is your child, then you are in the darkest scare of all. you want to give your life for your child. you don’t want to think about life without your child. you think about how everything will fall apart if something happens to your child. there is no way you can go on with your life if something does happen to your child. in your prayers, you make big promises to give up things to save your child. through all of this, your mission in life becomes very clear. you see that it is your family that is most important and not all the superficial things in life –money, power, success, material objects. these matter nothing if a child is lost. so, you must learn from this scare, you must keep the clear thoughts that happened during the scare –at the front of your mind. you must move away from these things in life that do not matter at all. you must focus on the things that do matter, which is helping your family thrive, which is enjoying the moments you have with your family, which is showing your family how to see clearly too. you are lucky it was a scare this time. don’t waste anymore time before the next scare becomes real. learn from the important lesson of the scare.
be bold always
when you are young, you are bold. this is obvious. but you are bold because you are young. you don’t know that much about life or the world, so you take bold steps naturally. you do not stop and think –you just do it. you do it because it is fun. you do it because it is something different to do. you do it because it is there to do. you do it because you have no responsibility to anyone else. why not do it and experience the world in a bold fashion. this bold mindset is what can push someone to go off the common path and be different. it can cause you to make an impact early in life. it can cause you to make change in the world. being bold can set you on a bold path in life – it can affect your life dramatically. but oftentimes, the bold steps we take when we are younger are small bold steps. they let you experience the world more but do not necessarily change the world in any way. as time goes on, the boldness dies down and you settle into your life of fixed habits and routine. this is also the natural way and is the way of self preservation. but what we miss deep in our soul is to be bold again. to use the past experience of being bold to still be bold and to still take the bold steps necessary to feed the never-ending desire to make bold change in your life and in the world. the hardest thing to do when you are older is to keep the boldness alive in your every day life – to keep pushing the limit by being bold. it is even hard to know that you must continue to be bold to be happy. so, stop and think about being bold once in awhile. look and see where you can be bold to keep life interesting. it is another great challenge in life to be forever bold. but to live life to the fullest, you must be bold always. stop the routine right now, right this very minute and be bold.
a boring day
yes, this is something that hits everyone’s mind –and does so quite often as well. we have boring days –it is a fact. we all have these days, even if you are in full swing at work or at home – the day can still be boring. we call it boring because it seems to be a day that includes things we have done over and over – nothing new arises – at least nothing we think significant arises. this causes us to think that the day is a waste – that this day doesn’t mean anything in our lives. we don’t like to think about the idea of wasting a day, since every day gone is one step closer to the end. however, if you think about that boring day a little more –and you do the thinking on that boring day, you can see that the day does have significance. it has it in this way. you need to stop (which is easy on a boring day) –and you need to think about where you are and what you have in life at that moment. when you do that, you realize that the boring day is actually a reflection of a state of happiness in your life. you are bored because you have everything you need. and i mean this on a emotional and human side of things –rather than a materialistic side. you have the right people in your life and you have the right life on the personal side. realize this concept and you will accept a boring day more easily –and it will allow you to think that you have not wasted a day. however, you still want to accomplish more things in life and you don’t want to think that you wasted a day in your journey to have accomplishments. but, here again, you must realize that life is a marathon and is not dictated by every action in every single day. the key is to be patient and realize that boring days also are part of the journey to succeed in life. bottomline: don’t let boring days leave a lasting negative impression in your life and think about what you have more on those boring days.
why i post
a method to my madness
sickness clears the mind
i have been in bed for 4 days with influenza. you know you are suffering when you sweat through 5 shirts in one night. you know you are suffering when you have a 102 temp for six days straight, you know you are suffering when you cough a burning hole in your chest for a week. you know you are suffering when you spouse has to tend to your every need for 4 days in a row. there is only 1 lesson to take away from this –get your flu shot every year regardless of anything else going on in your life. yet, through all this suffering in the waning days of 2012, there is a blessing that occurs. your mind becomes clear like never before. you instantly know where you stand in life with yourself, with your family, with your friends. you know that every move you make going into each new year are the right moves and that you should not force any moves –life will guide you. you do not need to fear the unknown of the future –life will guide you through every success and failure. you do not need to 2nd guess your past actions –those actions happened because they were meant to happen. friends will come and go and those that stick are meant to stick. don’t fret over lost friends. don’t feel guilt that you might have caused the loss. you can only do what you have to do –what life wants you to do. we do have a destiny and the sooner we embrace this idea, the sooner your destiny will reveal itself. even from the flu, good can come. this is not plain optimism, this is a lifelong embrace of your destiny. embrace it- don’t fight it.
change is coming. it is always coming –every day, every week, every month, every year. and sometimes you know in your gut that change is near –that bigger change is near. you must not be afraid of this change. you must realize that this change is meant to happen. you must not fear what happens when this change occurs. you must know that no matter what change happens, you are always prepared because change cannot affect who you are –it can only affect what happens to you. who you are will always stand above the change. this will help keep you grounded and in control when the change happens. this will help move you through the change and into the next part of your life –which will come after the change. change always requires extra work on your part. you need to think more outside the box. you need to think outside your routine. you need to rely more on your inherent survival skills. your natural reactions to the change will guide you through the early part of the change process –you don’t have to worry about how you will react to change immediately. change is good because it forces you to grow stronger and to learn new things. embrace change and do not be afraid.
looking back
when you reach old age, the world has changed. you yearn for simpler times, you feel out of touch. there are more unfamiliar people around and the crowds seem to go on forever. the quiet moments you once experienced in the past are now replaced with background noise that never dies off. you feel more resigned to leaving this earth. your time has truly past you by and you know it and accept it. this is actually a good thing because it causes you to realize that passing away is part of the cycle of life and that you have lived into a new age that belongs to the new generation. it’s time to let go and say goodbye.
the last moment
we spend our whole lives preparing for that split-second moment before we take our last breath. for it is at that moment when we realize if we have lived a fulfilling life. we will then know that it is okay to say “goodbye” to this world and “hello” to the next. we will know that we tried to live life to the fullest, to go after every challenge, to take risks to succeed, to set goals and go after them, to be true to one’s self no matter what and to be true to one’s closest companions. every event in our lives is measured in that last moment, when we ultimately discover if we have lived life to the fullest or not. it is at that moment when you will smile or not, when the person who finds you, finds you with a smile or not, when that person will tell others: “At least he died with a smile on his face”–it is all for the smile –for the smile tells it all –one gesture expresses a lifetime of events